Campaign Tracking URL Builder -

Fill in the form and click the Generate URL button below. Using this tool creates tagged links that enable traffic tracking in both Google Analytics (GA) and Discover on Premise (DoP). Follow step 1 to 4.

* Required field

Step 1: Enter the URL of your landing page.

Website URL: *
Other VITS-user than default?

Step 2: Fill in the fields below. Source, Medium and Name should always be used. Content field is populated automatically.

Source: * (Referrer:, newsletter,,
Medium: * (Marketing medium: newsletter, banner, SEM, social media, etc.)
Name*: (product, promo, or slogan, e.g. Happy hour week 35)
Content*: (ID to differentiate ads, generated automatically. Checked box = edit mode)

Step 3: Click the Generate URL button to generate the tagged URL. Click Generate short URL to get at link. Click Clear to erase the form and tag a new URL. Click New content ID to generate a new content ID (and link) but keeping the other field values.

Step 4: Copy the tagged URL and use it in your banner, newsletter etc.

Copy to clipboard (IE only) Test link

Helpful Information

Blank spaces in fields

Blank spaces " " in fields are replaced with "_". Example: "Happy hour week 35" will be encoded as "Happy_hour_week_35" in links and that is how it will look like in DoP and GA.

Campaign Source (utm_source)

Required. Use Source to identify the referring source; a search engine, newsletter name, or other source. Dimension in DoP: Campaign Site.
Example:: google

Campaign Medium (utm_medium)

Required. Use Medium to identify a medium such as newsletter, banner or social media. Dimension in DoP: Placement.
Example: newsletter

Campaign Name (utm_campaign)

Required. Used for campaign analysis. Use Name to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign. Dimension in DoP: Campaign
Example: spring sale

Campaign Content (utm_content)

Required. Used as unique ID for ads. Use Content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL. Dimension in DoP: Campaign

Campaign Term (utm_term)

Used for Search Engine Marketing (SEM), e.g. adWords. Use Terms to note the keywords for this ad.


Drag the taglet link to your bookmark bar. Navigate to the landing page for a campaign, click on the taglet and a URL-builder popup will load prepopulated with the landingpage URL. Fill in the campaign tagging parameters and you are ready to go!






Robert Sahlin, or +46 (0)8 5551 3049